Hammertoe Deformity Treatment in NYC

What is Hammertoe Deformity?

Hammertoe is a permanent deformity of one of your toes — most often your second toe — in which the toe joints have become bent up and twisted. This condition is often painful and aesthetically unattractive or even embarrassing. If the hammertoe is flexible, one that can be forced to lie flat with applied pressure, it can be corrected with minor surgery. However, when the hammertoe is rigid, a surgical procedure may be required. This is performed under local anesthesia, where a tiny portion of bone is removed, and will permanently eliminate the pain and deformity. You can walk out of the surgery in a surgical shoe.

At Millennium Podiatry, Dr. Suzanne Levine provides these treatment options to help alleviate pain and aesthetic abnormalities caused by hammertoe. Within our New York, NY facility, she can talk with you about your treatment options and identify the best course of action for you. Contact us today to learn more and to schedule your initial consultation.

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when should I seek treatment for Hammertoe?

Indications that you may need to seek treatment for hammertoe deformity:
Does hammertoe corrective surgery hurt?
A hammertoe correction surgery is relatively simple and can be performed with local anesthesia, with most patients not experiencing pain or discomfort. Although, some may feel slight pressure or pull during the procedure. You are awake during the surgery, but your toe has been completely numbed. You can even walk out of the office in a surgical shoe after your procedure to go home.
How is a hammertoe deformity fixed with surgery?
There are three basic types of surgery to correct a hammertoe deformity. These are:
How long is recovery from hammertoe surgery?
Recovery can last between six months to a year. You will have to wear a special shoe and avoid putting your full weight on the treated foot for several weeks. Some people may choose to use a cane or crutches to help them walk if they are experiencing soreness or pain during the recovery process.

Alleviate Pain with optimal care

A hammertoe deformity can not only cause significant pain, but it can also make you self-conscious about the appearance of your feet. Thankfully, there are treatments to help alleviate this condition. Our team at Millennium Podiatry will work with you to provide the best course of action for your specific case of hammertoe. Learn more by contacting us in New York, NY to schedule a consultation today.