Spider Vein Removal in NYC

Dr. Everett Lautin performs all Spider Vein Removal services.


Spider veins are small, thin, blood vessels visible beneath the skin. They are mostly harmless but can sometimes contribute to an aching, or burning sensation, especially if you have been standing for long periods of time. They appear most commonly on the face or legs and may look like a series of lines, tree branches, or a spider- or web-like shape with a dark center. It is estimated that spider veins affect nearly half of adult women in the U.S. Spider veins respond well to treatment with laser ablation and injection sclerotherapy. While an immediate reduction can occur, it is important to know that vein reduction is an ongoing process, and it can take weeks to a few months before maximum results are achieved. Multiple treatment sessions may be required at Millenium Podiatry in New York, NY.
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New technology allows us to treat spider veins without surgery or a long recovery. Laser treatment works by sending strong bursts of light into the vein that make the vein slowly fade and disappear. No incisions or needles are used. The laser ablation of spider veins takes place over two 45-minute sessions with no downtime necessary. The laser aims carefully controlled pulses of light at the damaged veins. The veins absorb the light and heat up, then collapse and close. They are then gradually reabsorbed by the body.

How Does INJECTION SCLEROTHERAPY for Spider Veins Work?

In tandem with laser ablation, injection sclerotherapy is very effective. Injection sclerotherapy is performed with a minuscule (30-gauge) needle. In this procedure, your doctor injects the veins with a solution that closes the veins in question, causing the blood to reroute through healthier veins. In a few weeks, treated spider veins fade. Although the same vein may need to be injected more than once, sclerotherapy doesn’t require anesthesia. Some side effects may include swelling, itching, and skin color changes in the treated area.

Spin your Web to Clearer Skin

To discuss spider vein removal and decide what treatment(s) is right for you, schedule an appointment with Dr. Lautin at our Park Avenue office in New York, NY!

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.