Suzanne Levine, DPM and Dr. Everett Lautin | Author’s Night
I’ve been looking forward to the 10th Annual Author’s Night in New York for some time now. It was such an honor for me, Suzanne Levine, to be in the company of such wonderful authors and celebrities who had come to show their support for the East Hampton Library, and speak with them about my book.
Among many highlights was getting a chance to meet Alec Baldwin and actually get a photo of myself and the co-author of “My Feet Are Killing Me“, Dr. Everett Lautin. It’s a big deal because he is the person usually in charge of the camera, being a lover of photography himself.
I saw some women in beautiful shoes there. Always a treat to see what other people are wearing but always very hard to not put on my podiatrist hat when I see someone who shares an affinity for stiletto heels like myself but is clearly walking around in pain.
This time I couldn’t ignore it. She was really hurting (and wearing cute shoes – had to know more). I walked up, introduced myself, explained that I was a podiatrist, and hand her a bottle of my Stiletto RX Foot Spray. I was very pleased we ran into each other later and she thanked me for the spray – it saved her night. Which, in addition to everything else – made my night.
I love it when that happens.