Dr. Suzanne Levine on Nightline discussing "Foot Lifts"

NYC celebrity podiatrist Dr. Suzanne Levine, discusses foot lifts on ABC's Nighline. Dr. Suzanne Levine is a pioneer in a cosmetic foot surgery. Watch this video to learn more about Dr. Suzanne Levine and her Stiletto Rx: Pillows for Your Feet™, a procedure she perfected to help women fit in their favorite stilettos. The procedure is painless and helps sculpt the patient's foot to help them fit comfortably in their shoes. Dr. Suzanne Levine is an award-winning New York Podiatrist, Author, & Inventor. Her foot clinic, Institute Beauté, is conveniently located on Park Avenue in NYC, where she offers the latest cutting-edge foot treatments for various foot conditions, corrective foot surgery and pain relieving treatments pioneered and developed by Dr. Levine. Visit her page to view her credentials, achievements and awards at http://institutebeaute.com/dr-suzanne-levine/ You may also visit her successful foot product line and learn more about Stiletto RX by visiting http://pillowsforyourfeet.com To request a food consultation at Dr. Suzanne Levine's office in NYC, please call (212) 535-0229 or visit her office at 885 Park Ave, New York, NY 10075.